By ekagra_AdmiN


Are we all not struggling with this 10 letter word MOTIVATION? Truth is lack of motivation is an issue that affects everyone. Just imagine when we ourselves can’t decode this mystery that why it takes so much effort to remain motivated. How can we help our kids to do the same for excellence? Let’s try and decode what MOTIVATION is and how we can maintain this feeling to initiate the behaviour which brings in excellence.

Every individual is different and so are their needs, desires or expectations. Mr. A might climb a mountain out of his love to conquer heights, Mr.B may climb to compete and set record or Mr. C gets motivated to climb to facilitate Mr A or B. to fulfill his personal needs. Same mountain but different people have different reasons which motivate them to do the same task.

If we can understand the drive which initiate the desired response it becomes easy to hold the feelings for longer duration to achieve desired goal. 

Rewards, promotions are all extrinsic motivation which loses its effectiveness soon with the loss of its need or charm.

But individuals who are intrinsically motivated go long term. For example passion or love for something makes you take action in that direction, so knowing what interests one is important so that we can connect interest with our goal to accelerate our process of achievement.

Few individuals get their motivation from gain like achieving pleasure or kind. While they are focused on their goal gain, it is important to bring attention to the efforts put in which is the main reason for success and these efforts need appreciation not the rewards or pleasure as those are the byproducts. This way an individual will understand the importance of hardwork which brings in results. This awareness will later become the source of motivation.

Few get motivated to avoid pain or negative consequences, experience one gets in finding different solutions using different strategies to avoid pain if acknowledged and appreciated gives an individual long term confidence and motivation to do the right thing.

Competence is another reason which motivates one to take up most difficult tasks. Our focus in the right direction can help us in keeping long term motivation. Like if our focus is on competitors rather than on capabilities we can not grow enough or to the fullest. When in life we do not find the right competition our motivation dies but if we compete with ourselves we remain motivated forever as there is always a chance to improve wherever we stand.

Power/autonomy gives us huge self confidence and when we are focused right we remain motivated forever. Instead of exercising power on others, feeling of excellence and competence by equipping oneself with different skills gives real confidence and lifelong motivation.

We have seen many people who do things for no apparent reason, they don’t want anything. Then why do they do it ? What is the motivation? It is the feeling of relatedness which makes them do what they do. Social work, group energy we see in concerts, rallies etc are few examples where we can see this motivation.

Conclusion is that harnessing our inner desires to fuel lifelong motivation is important. But remember to keep a check on guilt, a pleasing attitude which may become a reason for motivation as it is not good for morale.

Remain motivated and keep flourishing!

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  • August 9, 2022

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